The Youth Village is a platform designed specifically for young people aged between 18 and 35 years. Its main purpose is to provide a space for individuals in this age group to share their experiences, showcase their work, and inspire each other. The Youth Village provides a unique opportunity for young people to engage in robust discussions on a variety of subjects, including political participation, economic debt, social accountability, and technology. These discussions aim to improve their civic competence and help them to hold relevant institutions accountable.

One of the key objectives of the Youth Village is to engage with policy makers and work collectively to identify the structural reforms necessary for the growth of the economy and the realization of democracy. Young people play a critical role in shaping the future of a country, and it is important that their voices are heard. Through the Youth Village, they are given a platform to engage with decision-makers and make their opinions known.

The Youth Village also provides a space for young people to discuss the role of technology in enhancing democracy. Technology has changed the way people interact, communicate, and access information, and it is important that young people understand its impact on society. By engaging in discussions on this topic, young people can gain a deeper understanding of the role of technology in shaping the future of democracy and work to ensure that it is used in a responsible and sustainable manner. In conclusion, the Youth Village provides a valuable opportunity for young people to come together, share their experiences, and work towards creating a brighter future for themselves and their communities.


Village programme

Youth Village Programme 2024-Day 1

The People Dialogue Festival (PDF) is a
flagship dialogue initiative by the Centre for
Multiparty Democracy (CMD-Kenya) aimed at
shaping the discourse around critical issues
by bringing together leaders and people to
engage in meaningful conversations about
pressing challenges and opportunities facing
the broader society in Kenya. The inaugural
PDF was successfully convened in March 2019
and subsequent editions in 2020, 2021, 2022,
and 2023.

Working hours

Monday – Friday:
09:00 – 17:00


Sunday: Closed

Our socials