political parties expo

siasa dialogue village

The Political Dialogue Village, previously known as the Political Parties Expo, is an event that aims to bring together political parties from across the country to exhibit their platforms and ideologies. Political parties will have the opportunity to showcase their policies and programs, as well as engage in inter-party dialogue and debates with one another. This will provide a platform for voters to understand the different political ideologies and to make informed decisions.

The Political Dialogue Village will feature speeches by top political party officials, who will present their party’s vision for the future and respond to questions from the audience. These speeches will provide an opportunity for political parties to reach out to voters and to explain their positions on key issues. The event will also provide a structured setting for conversations between political and civic actors on the performance of democratic institutions. This will allow for the exchange of ideas and experiences on how to improve the functioning of democracy in the country.

The Political Dialogue Village, is an important for the promotion of democracy and the strengthening of civic engagement. By providing a platform for political parties to engage with each other and with the public, it will help to foster a more informed and engaged citizenry. The event will also serve to enhance transparency and accountability in the political process, by providing voters with the opportunity to ask questions and learn about the positions of the different political parties. This will contribute to a more robust and inclusive democracy, in which all citizens have the opportunity to participate and shape their future.

This year’s Political Dialogue Village will feature a lineup of relevant and thought-provoking topics that will spark important discussions and debates. The first topic,

Village Programme


The People Dialogue Festival (PDF) is a
flagship dialogue initiative by the Centre for
Multiparty Democracy (CMD-Kenya) aimed at
shaping the discourse around critical issues
by bringing together leaders and people to
engage in meaningful conversations about
pressing challenges and opportunities facing
the broader society in Kenya. The inaugural
PDF was successfully convened in March 2019
and subsequent editions in 2020, 2021, 2022,
and 2023.

Working hours

Monday – Friday:
09:00 – 17:00


Sunday: Closed

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