About us


People are at the heart of PDF. Citizens from all walks of life and leaders voluntarily meet on level terms focused to dialogue on governance reforms, socio-economic issues, and to safeguard democratic gains. Over the last four years, PDF has attracted tens of thousands of participants including elected leaders, national and county government officials, political parties, civil society organizations, professional associations, private sector, academia, trade unions, media, women rights’ organizations, youth-led & youth-serving organizations, community-based organizations international democracy support organizations and representatives of diplomatic missions.


Dialogue is the distinguishing feature of democratic societies which are judged by the extent to which governments open up to citizen involvement in public affairs and the space they give for citizens to hold the government accountable. PDF thus provides a unique opportunity for policymakers and policy takers to gather and talk with, not at each other, on the issues that affect Kenyans and collectively reflect on progress made in enhancing the development and realization of democracy. It also allows the citizens to hold the relevant institutions accountable, and to collectively identify the structural reforms that are necessary for the growth of the economy and the improvement of the people’s welfare.


Festivals are the fuel through which Kenyans have accustomed to not only celebrate unity in diversity but also amplify the needs of the nation through creative arts. PDF is premised on the understanding that knowledge and democracy are more than just written rules and institutions and thus seeks to promote democratic development through an infusion of art and dialogue. Throughout PDF, art in all its various forms – spoken word, graphic arts, creative arts- is honored and celebrated and used as the means through which people are brought together to dialogue on various issues. Renown artistes take part in PDF, utilizing their talent to bring to the fore issues and simplify debate on complex issues/challenges afflicting society. The festival mode also helps break down walls and tear down staircases of an otherwise highly stratified society that is exemplified by the gap between leaders and the led.


The People Dialogue Festival (PDF) is a flagship dialogue initiative by the Centre for Multiparty Democracy (CMD-Kenya) aimed at shaping the discourse around critical issues by bringing together leaders and people to engage in meaningful conversations about pressing challenges and opportunities facing the broader society in Kenya. The inaugural PDF was successfully convened in March 2019 and subsequent editions in 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023. Under the overarching theme Competition and Collaboration in Democratic Development, the 6th edition is set to take place from 6th to 9th March 2024 in Nairobi. Additionally, County level editions dubbed Gumzo Mtaani will be held in 6 Counties in a bid to diversify involvement and deepen participation in dialogue. CMD-Kenya is committed to nurturing meaningful dialogue and sustaining a platform for thought leaders, experts, and visionaries within political, public, private, professional, and civil society sectors to come together and address critical issues facing our community and beyond.


The People Dialogue Festival (PDF) is a
flagship dialogue initiative by the Centre for
Multiparty Democracy (CMD-Kenya) aimed at
shaping the discourse around critical issues
by bringing together leaders and people to
engage in meaningful conversations about
pressing challenges and opportunities facing
the broader society in Kenya. The inaugural
PDF was successfully convened in March 2019
and subsequent editions in 2020, 2021, 2022,
and 2023.

Working hours

Monday – Friday:
09:00 – 17:00


Sunday: Closed

Our socials